Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I'm Goin' to Comic-Con!

Hey everybody!

I just got my plane tickets & hotel reservations for the San Diego Comic-Con! It's gonna be a blast coming up this July! If anybody else is going too, let me know. I'd like to meet you there, "mono y mono".

By the way, what do you think of my new headline I put up top? Now it's a blog!
"This concludes my brief announcement. We hope you enjoyed our broadcast day!"


OmegaEye said...

"mono y mono"
monkey to monkey?
well I would like to go, I tried to go to the one in NYC but that was a failure but this is too far away and too expensive of a trip to go on. I wish I could come but I guess you're on your own unless someone else is going with ya

thedoreenster said...

Uhhh... i am so jealous... i want tickets to comic con. :(