Sunday, May 11, 2008

Tribute Trouble

Like I've said a million times before, the Ollie Johnston tribute is still underway. Unfortunately, I've had my fair share of problems.

Immediately after I decided to do a tribute, I went to SVA's two libraries (regular & film) to see if they had copies of Ollie's films I didn't happen to own myself. Luckily, they had a copy Robin Hood which I got his Prince John & Sir Hiss footage from, but unfortunately that's all I could get out of the trips. Neither library had AristoCats or (shockingly) Pinocchio on DVD! Right after that wild goose chase, I jumped onto & ordered a copy of Pinocchio on DVD. Since the film has been LONG out of print, I had to order it from a seller. Everything seemed to work out fine, until another problem arose a couple weeks later.

The DVD never came. I had it shipped to my dorm on Lexington Ave. in the Apple & every day I'd go to the front desk, but there was no package for Room 318. After checking Amazon again, I discovered that the delivery estimate was between then (April 26th) & May 9th, which would be long after school was over & I moved back home. I ran down to the front desk & told them the story. I asked them since I'll be outta there within a week, but was only a 40 minute train ride away if they could call my cell once they received the package & I could pick it up. They didn't care one bit, saying if the package comes & I'm not there, then they'd send it straight back to the seller. Either way, I left them my number, but I haven't gotten a single call. $20 bucks plus shipping right down the drain.

If anyone has a copy of Pinocchio &/or AristoCats on DVD & can rip DVD footage onto their computer, please send me an email (using the address in my profile). Specifically, I need the scenes of Pinocchio coming to life to the end of the "Let Your Conscience be your Guide" sequence & the scenes from when Pinocchio is locked in Stromboli's cage between when Jiminy Cricket comes to help him out to when they both escape. From AristoCats, I need is the scene(s) of the two girl geese's introduction to after Uncle Waldo & them leave. The videos are going to be compiled in Windows Movie Maker, so the files should probably be AVI. Thanks!

Also, I need your opinion on this last thing: I've decided since there's a LOT of Ollie footage to go through, I'm going to have the tribute be in multiple parts (at least three parts), each about 5 minutes in length. The main problem is how I should compile the scenes. Should I do them in order, from his first scenes to his last or should the scenes be completely random? Leave your opinion in the comments.

Thanks again everyone for your patience & cooperation. I'll try my hardest to get this tribute done as soon as possible. Better late than never!

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