Sunday, November 29, 2009


Now that I got your attention, check out some of my attempts at reaching a higher level of sophistication in my drawing ability.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I Animated Something...

There's 4 hours I'll never get back.

Compression sucks.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Give Thanks & Pass the Stuffing

Hey All! I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

Ah, Thanksgiving... Imagine, a day where you give thanks for killing indians by eating like a pig, watching football. dog shows & giant balloons on TV for hours on end, trampling people to death while spending every dime you own on Christmas gifts & sleeping in all day the next day... this holiday was MADE for Americans!

I pity the vegetarians.

To celebrate, here's a playlist of some of my all-time favorite Thanksgiving cartoons for you to enjoy! Whether you eat meat, veggies or tofu, have a nice holiday anyway!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Lonely Night

Just another one of those nights.... ho hum...