Although I don't have an army of drooling fans drawing truckloads of fan art of my characters on a daily basis, I do receive one every once in a while. Sure, most of them are from friends, but I don't care, I love 'em just the same! I love seeing myself &/or my characters in such a wide variety of styles, it's a very amazing, if not humbling, sight. Because fan art comes very few & far between, I admire & cherish every single one I receive, no matter how crude they may be. & thus far, I haven't gotten a crude one yet!!!
These were done by my friend Chris Niosi, whom I've generously plugged numerous times before (& he deserves another plug now!)

This guy I haven't really showcased much is named "King Nautillus", an aspiring evil cephalopod king of the sea. Imagine a somewhat eccentric octopus with a voice along the lines of either Paul Lynde or Vincent Price.

& speaking of Nautillus, here's my friend Zach Bellissimo's interpretation of the underwater king. He got the level of sliminess & sagginess just right. I'm actually gonna take some of the little bits he subbed in & use them on the character from now on.
& then he drew me as a link button on his blog sidebar. I look like a cross between Ace Ventura & Wolverine... in a hat. Fear my tarantula-leg eyebrows!
My most recent piece of fanart was a commission from my Cartooning friend Mike Luckas. He drew my three bird boys in a semi-realistic, semi-cartoony style that I really dig. The colors& shading alone knock my socks off!
Another Cartooning friend, Pat Woodruff, drew this for me as a Christmas present, done up all in markers. I love the bucket of chicken in the microwave, it's actually the first time in years I've seen Cannibal Chicken actually craving for chicken. It's kinda like a coincidental throwback from when I first used to draw him, it gives me this great nostalgic feeling.
& the last bunch was done by my friend Ivey Ao. She painted all of these pieces with watercolors. Painting watercolors are very hard to do (at least for me), so I really give Ivey huge amounts of credit for going out of her way to do these for me. They rock!
I'm even going through the trouble of giving these pieces justice. Each one of the original hard copies that were given to me are going to be framed & hung on my wall. It's a lot better than stuffing them in a drawer.
Thanks for the feature! Glad you like the picture!
hey, I finally actually got an art blog o_o I will definitely try to keep up with it this time...
Love how your friend Zach illustrated you - awesome! lol
You have very talented friends:)
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