Instead, I was told to put on a hospital gown & lay on a bed in the Emergency Room with about 35 screaming, crying, coughing, vomiting, bleeding, panicking & other unsettling people. I sat in bed for 10 hours, getting blood tests, EKG's & ECHO's (heart sonograms). After keeping me for a night & giving me non-straightforward answers, I finally found out what was wrong.
Due to some weird strain of the cold virus I caught, the protective sac surrounding my heart became inflamed (aka Pericarditis). In turn, the pericardium started to rub against my heart muscles, causing Myocarditis. That, along with the cold, was slowly tearing apart my insides. If I decided not to go to the hospital in the first place, my symptoms could've worsened I probably would have gone into cardiac arrest, heart failure & finally death. Sounds comforting, doesn't it.
My 2-3 hour tour of the ER ended up being a 4 day layover in the cardiovascular floor of the hospital. Pills & IV's out the wazoo, daytime television, interrupted sleep & sheer boredom were on my schedule for the next 72 hours. If I knew I was going to be stuck in a hospital for half a week, I would've brought books, my iPod, my laptop, whatever.... but no. All I had was a full clipboard, a few short pencils & the clothes on my back. & all the while, my stay kept getting extended, more pills were added to my daily regiment, indian-giver doctors & symptom scares were abound & my patience (which is something I usually have an insane amount of) was definitely wearing thin.
Over the course of those few days, I felt really miserable, depressed & lonely. I felt that I had failed my body & that I should've taken a lot better care of myself. I missed my friends, my family & my work. Drawing didn't even cheer me up. I had so much planned. So many things that needed to be done. So much I was looking forward to, all completely kiboshed. A big freaking SNAFU, all because of a sickness playing a wolf in sheep's clothing. Oh well, a wolf in sheep's clothing sounds a lot better in the long run than me playing possum... permanently.

They finally let me go this morning, but I ain't out of the woods yet. I'll be missing a few days of school (which is a real shame because I always look forward to going to my classes) & I'll be taking 5 different pills for the next few months.
I'll be taking it easy for the next week or so, then I'll be back on my feet in no time. But no too fast, my heart probably can't take it. Cheers!
I'm so glad that you're ok. But why didn't you call me or something? I would have been glad to come visit you to make sure that you were alright : (
I should've called you, but I wouldn't have wanted you to see me in the hospital the way I looked. It's depressing enough being in a hospital, let alone seeing ME in the hospital. That & I didn't want to disturb any of you guys because of classes & I didn't want any of you going out of the way for me. There are a lot of people who I didn't call & probably still have no idea that I was gone. But nonetheless, I should've called you & let you know, & looking back I do regret it. I apologize.
By the way, congrats on the art show & starting up a blog. I saw your pieces in the main building before my heart crapped out. You're on your way, Ms Frena. Cheers to you!
You take care over there, ok?
Your downunder fan would miss your quirky humour and enthusiasm for your calling.
Hiya There! I've been a fairly frequent visitor of your blog and I must say, I love your rants, raves and drawings. Kinda odd that I hadn't commented more in the past. Oh well! Anyway, I really enjoy coming here and reading what you have to say. Hope we bump into each other at some Asifa events. Peace!
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